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Filename | Description | Date | Submitter |
walbertdulin.txt | Marriage notice of Wm. WALBERT to Mary DULIN; 1880 | Sep 2007 | Kathy Dulin-Doedderlein |
waybishop.txt | Joshua WAY to Ann BISHOP; 1782 | Sep 2011 | Sandra Ferguson |
walteringram.txt | Marriage notice of Sr. J. Willis WALTER to Mary Cope INGRAM; 1900 | Sep 2007 | Barbara Rightnour |
waltonpearce.txt | Marriage Notice of John WALTON to Mary H. PEARCE; 1866 | Apr 2008 | Diana Quinones |
waltonthomas.txt | Marriage of John Milton WALTON to Sarah Emma THOMAS; 1881 | Mar 2005 | Sherry Rubin |
warrenmikl.txt | Marriage notice of Alfred T. WARREN to Matilda E. MIKL; 1951 | Nov 2005 | Dan Lindley |
watsongray.txt | Marriage notice of John WATSON to Mrs. GRAY; 1888 | May 2005 | Dan Lindley |
webbswayne.txt | Marriage Record of George WEBB to Anne SWAYNE; 1754 | May 2005 | Robert W. Keyes |
weidnerhawes.txt | Marriage notice of David WEIDNER to Mary HAWES; 1847 | Jan 2008 | Dan Lindley |
weidnerhummel.txt | Marriage notice of Harvey J. WEIDNER to Emma L. HUMMEL; 1888 | May 2008 | Diana Quinones |
weitzelgriffith.txt weitzel.pdf |
Marriage notice of Isaac WEITZEL to Ella R. GRIFFITH; 1891 | Feb 2005 | Dan Lindley |
weirbishop.txt | Marriage notice of Baker WEIR to Clara F. BISHOP; 1877 | Aug 2006 | Dan Lindley & Bob George |
wetherillmosteller.txt | Marriage notice of William J. WETHERILL to Mary E. MOSTELLER | Aug 2007 | Barbara Rightnour |
wetseldulin.txt | Marriage notice of Edward WETSEL to Annie DULIN; 1882 | Sep 2007 | Kathy Dulin-Doedderlein |
wetzlarnellums.txt | Marriage notice of Henry WETZLAR to Sarah Ann NELLUMS; 1851 | Apr 2006 | Dan Lindley |
wetzlarlittle.txt | Marriage notice of Martin WETZLAR to Lizzie LITTLE; 1882 | Apr 2006 | Dan Lindley |
wetzlernellums.txt | Marriage notice of Henry WETZLER to Sarah Ann NELLUMS; 1851 | Apr 2006 | Dan Lindley |
whitakerlawton.txt | Marriage notice of Joshua WHITAKER to Sarah LAWTON; 1853 | Apr 2006 | Nancy Annie Odegard |
whitcraftgamble.txt | John WHITCRAFT to Leah GAMBLE; 1788 | Sep 2011 | Sandra Ferguson |
whiteschleichter.txt | Marriage Notice of John B. WHITE to Anne E. SCHLEICHTER; 1866 | Apr 2008 | Diana Quinones |
wigginsmyers.txt | Marriage notice of Curtis WIGGINS to Annie MYERS; 1897 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
wigginsengland.txt | Marriage notice of Curtis C. WIGGINS to Ethel Kathleen ENGLAND; 1939 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
wigginsjohnson.txt | Marriage notice of Leon Curtis WIGGINS to Betty Jane JOHNSON; 1946 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
wigginssheehan.txt | Marriage notice of Walter W. WIGGINS to Kathleen Marie SHEEHAN; 1940 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
williamsgarrett.txt | Marriage of Edward WILLIAMS and Hannah GARRETT (1751) | Jul 2005 | Betty-Lu Burton |
winnbuckwalter.txt | Marriage notice of James WINN to Elizabeth BUCKWALTER; 1831 | Sep 2007 | Dan Lindley |
wonderlandframe.txt | Marriage of Charles WONDERLAND and Hannah H. FRAME; 1894 | Feb 2007 | Dan Lindley |
wynnbreidenback.txt | Marriage notice of Coleman WYNN to Kate BREIDENBACK; 1867 | Sep 2007 | Dan Lindley |
wynnhartsock.txt | Marriage notice of Coleman WYNN to Albert R. HARTSOCK; 1882 | Sep 2007 | Dan Lindley |
wynnfillman.txt | Marriage notice of F. WYNN to E. Ethel FILLMAN; 1902 | Sep 2007 | Dan Lindley |
wynndampman.txt | Marriage notice of Harrison WYNN to Eliza Ann DAMPMAN; 1857 | Sep 2007 | Dan Lindley |
wynnewing.txt | Marriage notice of Howard P. WYNN to Clara S. EWING; 1863 | Sep 2007 | Dan Lindley |
wynnchristman.txt | Marriage notice of Thomas WYNN to Mary CHRISTMAN; 1831 | Sep 2007 | Dan Lindley |
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