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Filename | Description | Date | Submitter |
sandscheyney.txt | Marriage notice of George E. SANDS to Jean Helen CHEYNEY; 1912 | Feb 2006 | Dan Lindley |
sandskegle.txt | Marriage notice of John SANDS to Elizabeth KEGLE; 1775 | Feb 2006 | Dan Lindley |
saucermanlee.txt | Marriage notice of William L. SAUCERMAN to Clara Elizabeth LEE; 1919 | Jun 2005 | Dan Lindley |
savagemoore.txt | Marriage notice of George W. SAVAGE to Charlotte K. MOORE/MOHR; 1848 | Nov 2011 | Diana Quinones |
seaboldtvarnes.txt | Marriage notice of Frank P. SEABOLDT to Helen L. VARNES; 1950 | Nov 2005 | Dan Lindley |
seibertdavis.txt | Marriage notice of Frederic John SEIBERT to Mary DAVIS; 1951 | Jan 2006 | Dan Lindley |
setzlerbeideman.txt | Marriage notice of James A. SETZLER to Lavvia Carolina BEIDEMAN; 1889 | Mar 2007 | Dan Lindley & Robert Barnes |
sharpelkins.txt | Marriage notice of Mentor P. SHARP to Carrie L. ELKINS; 1857 | Jan 2007 | Dan Lindley & Nancy Annie Odegard |
sheedermunshower.txt | Marriage notice of Hosea SHEEDER to Ella E. MUNSHOWER; 1870 | Feb 2006 | Dan Lindley |
sheridandavis.txt | Marriage notice of Edward SHERIDAN to Carrie DAVIS; 1920 | May 2006 | Dan Lindley & Sterling Price |
sheridandalton.txt | Marriage notice of Joseph SHERIDAN to Annie DALTON; 1900 | May 2006 | Dan Lindley & Sterling Price |
shiverylong.txt | Marriage notice of Chas. SHIVERY to Vasti LONG; 1924 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
shiverysmith.txt | Marriage notice of Charles SHIVERY to Mary Jane SMITH; 1870 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
shiveryguss.txt | Marriage notice of Charles Wilson SHIVERY to Jean Ruhl GUSS; 1912 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
shiverypowell.txt | Marriage notice of Charles W. SHIVERY to Ida V. POWELL; 1876 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
shiveryporter.txt | Marriage notice of Clarence E. SHIVERY to Florence PORTER; 1915 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
shiverywilliams.txt | Marriage notice of Clarence E. SHIVERY to Lizzie M. WILLIAMS; 1902 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
shiverysellers.txt | Marriage notice of Curtis A. SHIVERY to Susan E. SELLERS; 1880 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
shiveryjohnson.txt | Marriage Certificate Notice of George SHIVERY to Lulu JOHNSON; 1905 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
shiveryking.txt | Marriage Certificate Notice of Harlan B. SHIVERY to Sarah KING; 1948 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
shiverystoner.txt | Marriage notice of Leander SHIVERY to Lillian STONER; 1903 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
shiverybrown.txt | Marriage notice of S. Norwood SHIVERY to Leola BROWN; 1914 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
shiverystubb.txt | Marriage notice of Samuel N. SHIVERY to Minnie E. STUBB; 1901 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
slobodiantwadell.txt | Marriage notice of Leon SLOBODIAN to Frances A. TWADELL; 1946 | Mar 2006 | Dan Lindley |
smaleirwin.txt | Marriage notice of George SMALE to Florence IRWIN; 1883 | Jun 2005 | Wanda Smale |
smalekulp.txt | Marriage notice of George SMALE to Katie KULP; 1893 | Jun 2005 | Wanda Smale |
smalelapp.txt | Marriage notice of W. Clay SMALE to Carrie E. LAPP; 1901 | Jun 2005 | Wanda Smale |
smedleyweir.txt | Marriage notice of Bartholomew SMEDLEY to Elizabeth Ann WEIR; 1854 | Aug 2006 | Dan Lindley & Bob George |
smedleydavis.txt | Marriage notice of Davis SMEDLEY to Ann M. DAVIS; 1853 | Jan 2006 | Dan Lindley |
smeighbuxton.txt | Marriage notice of Benjamin SMEIGH to Eva M. BUXTON; 1920 | Jan 2006 | Dan Lindley |
smithlundy.txt | Marriage notice of Harry E. SMITH to Mary Agnes LUNDY; 1892 | Jan 2007 | Lorraine |
smithsnyder.txt | Marriage notice of Walter SMITH to Daisy SNYDER; 1915 | Nov 2005 | Dan Lindley |
snyderholston.txt | Marriage notice of Richard W. SNYDER to Ruth Ann HOLSON; 1965 | Oct 2006 | Dan Lindley & Elaine Nornhold |
speasdowlin.txt | Marriage notice of William Eugene SPEAS to Alice Conway DOWLIN; 1915 | Oct 2005 | Nancy Bottomley |
speakmanstern.txt | Marriage notice of Alexander SPEAKMAN to Elizabeth STERN; 1836 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanhall.txt | Marriage notice of Allen SPEAKMAN to Estelle HALL; 1894 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanhall1.txt | Marriage notice of Allen SPEAKMAN to Esther HALL; 1894 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanhickman.txt | Marriage notice of Allen SPEAKMAN to Susanna G. HICKMAN; 1862 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanwalker.txt | Marriage notice of Amos SPEAKMAN to Elizabeth WALKER; 1819 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmangilpin.txt | Marriage notice of Arthur SPEAKMAN to Bessie GILPIN; 1906 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmantemple.txt | Marriage notice of Baldwin SPEAKMAN to Martha B. TEMPLE; 1884 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanlefever.txt | Marriage notice of Caleb SPEAKMAN to A. Letitia Lefever; 1886 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmangarriger.txt | Marriage notice of Charles P. SPEAKMAN to Sarah A. GARRIGER; 1872 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanperdue.txt | Marriage notice of Cloud N. SPEAKMAN to Ida J. Perdue; 1879 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanspeakman.txt | Marriage notice of David SPEAKMAN to Sarah Jane SPEAKMAN; 1862 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanashbride.txt | Marriage notice of Ellis SPEAKMAN to Mary H. ASHBRIDE; 1867 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanstrickland.txt | Marriage notice of Elmer C. SPEAKMAN to Mary E. STRICKLAND; 1914 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanharlan.txt | Marriage notice of F. H. SPEAKMAN to Susan W. HARLAN; 1848 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanvalentine.txt | Marriage notice of Fredrick W. SPEAKMAN to Martha T. VALENTINE; 1895 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanharvey.txt | Marriage notice of Gideon SPEAKMAN to Anna Mary HARVEY; 1856 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanmalaney.txt | Marriage notice of H. W. SPEAKMAN to E. L. Malaney; 1891 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanmcclure.txt | Marriage notice of Harry E. SPEAKMAN to Anna E. McCLURE; 1922 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanneer.txt | Marriage notice of Hayes SPEAKMAN to Margaretta Jane NEER; 1857 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmandowning.txt | Marriage notice of Henry F. SPEAKMAN to Annie E. DOWNING; 1863 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanspeakman1.txt | Marriage notice of Herbert SPEAKMAN to Annie SPEAKMAN; 1857 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanbranson.txt | Marriage notice of Isaac SPEAKMAN to Eliza BRANSON; 1857 | Mar 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanneiler.txt | Marriage notice of Norman E. SPEAKMAN to Effie NEILER; 1914 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanhallowell.txt | Marriage notice of S. W. SPEAKMAN to E. Melvina HALLOWELL; 1863 | Mar 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanashbridge.txt | Marriage notice of Samuel SPEAKMAN to Anna M. ASHBRIDGE; 1871 | Mar 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanmcmichael.txt | Marriage notice of Samuel M. SPEAKMAN to Lizzie A. McMICHAEL; 1869 | Mar 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanbowen.txt | Marriage notice of Stephen SPEAKMAN to Mary W. BOWEN; 1827 | Mar 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmantravilla.txt | Marriage notice of Dr. W.W. SPEAKMAN to Anna TRAVILLA; 1890 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanlipp.txt | Marriage notice of Walter SPEAKMAN to Laura B. LIPP; 1883 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
speakmanbatting.txt | Marriage notice of William H. SPEAKMAN to Mary E. BATTING; 1877 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
reynoldsspeakman.txt | Marriage notice of William L. SPEAKMAN to Ina M. REYNOLDS; 1914 | Feb 2005 | Wanda Casella |
spencershivery.txt | Marriage notice of Harry E. SPENCER Jr. to Dorothy B. SHIVERY; 1945 | May 2005 | Wanda Casella |
standringhoskins.txt | Marriage notice of Isaac STANDRING to Minerva Massey HOSKINS; 1893 | Oct 2005 | Dan Lindley |
stauffermosteller.txt | Marriage Notice of Calvin STAUFFER to Lillian MOSTELLER; 1895 | Sep 2007 | Barbara Rightnour |
steelnull.txt | Marriage Record of William Garrett STEEL to Sarah Jane NULL; 1852 | Feb 2010 | Marilyn Webb |
strunkkeen.txt | Marriage Notice of Henry STRUNK to Elizabeth Ann KEEN; 1861 | Apr 2009 | Diana Quinones |
sweneyingram.txt | Marriage Notice of Benjamin H. SWENEY to Mary INGRAM; 1853 | Sep 2007 | Barbara Rightnour |
sweneytaylor.txt | Marriage Notice of Benjamin H. SWENEY to Jennie E. TAYLOR; 1873 | Sep 2007 | Barbara Rightnour |
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