Description |
Size |
Date |
Submitter |
Allen, Josiah - Sloan, Richard 1839 |
4K |
Mar 2005 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Barnes, James to Sewell, Wm F. & Foy, Missouri - 1841 |
3K |
Aug 2001 |
Glenda Brack |
Bell, Sarah - Boyd , John October 25, 1842 |
4K |
Sep 2007 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Boyd, John - Leveritt, Duncan 1830 |
5K |
Mar 2005 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Boyd, Robert (Estate Sale John Butler) 1834 |
23K |
Sep 2003 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Boyd, Surname Grantee |
13K |
Sep 2003 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Boyd, William H. B. - Boyd, Robert H. 1849 |
5K |
Mar 2005 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Beauchamp, William - Doss, John January 23 1829 |
3K |
Nov 2004 |
Gary Hawley |
Cannon, (Surname)1828-1887 |
5K |
Mar 2005 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Cargile, John - Ray, Ransom & Cassey 1839 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Coleman, Harvey N. - Ray, Solomon 1842 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Crawly, Turner - Ray, Ransom 1837 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Dickson, David - Legwin, William 1827 |
3K |
Mar 2005 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Eshom, Wm. C. - Boyd, William 1856 |
4K |
Mar 2005 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Farer, Jane - Ray, Ramson 1833 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Farrow, Franklin to James Hines |
3K |
Dec 1999 |
Helen Pate Ross |
Finley, Amanuel - Groce, Ellison July 31, 1848 |
3K |
Sep 2007 |
Phyllis R. Thomas
Finley, Amanuel - Groce, Ellison July 31, 1848 |
3K |
Sep 2007 |
Phyllis R. Thomas
Groce, Ellison - McLendon / McClendon, Jesse March 4, 1837 |
3K |
Sep 2007 |
Phyllis R. Thomas
Groce, Ellison - Wheless, Marlin D. November 18, 1844 |
3K |
Sep 2007 |
Phyllis R. Thomas
Harp, Cullen - Byram, John August 14, 1828 |
3K |
Nov 2007 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Harp, Cullen - Byram, John August 14, 1828 |
3K |
Nov 2007 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Harris, William O. to Joshua Brook & Josiah T. McLaughlin |
23K |
May 2003 |
Elaine M. Bonds |
Hendricks, Joshua - Ray, Ramson 1833 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Hopkins, John D. - Owen (Estate), Coleman P. October 3, 1876 |
4K |
Apr 2008 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Jeter, Francis - Frashier, John C. October 8, 1827 |
3K |
Sep 2006 |
David Frachiseur |
Jones, Robert A. - Ray, Ransom 1832 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Jones, William - Jones, Catharine August 27, 1817 |
3K |
Mar 2011 |
Bob & Linda Ellis
Keith, Whitton - Ray, Ransom 1838 |
5K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Kempson, Peter - Orrick, Henry G. December 23, 1840 |
3K |
Apr 2008 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Kendall, Elisha - Groce, Edmund June 5, 1832 |
4K |
Sep 2007 |
Phyllis R. Thomas
Leman, James - Ray, Thomas 1827 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Lester, Grantee(Surname)1832-1898 |
5K |
Mar 2005 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Lester, Grantor (Surname)1832-1898 |
5K |
Mar 2005 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Leverett, Billington - Moncrief, John M. April 21, 1851 |
4K |
Feb 2008 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Malone, Spencer - Owen, Coleman P. August 3, 1849 |
3K |
Feb 2008 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
McLaughlin, Josiah T. to Daniel Davis & Isaac Fincher |
14K |
Feb 2003 |
Ben McLaughlin |
Meadows, Vincent - Chapman, William D. December 25 1850 |
15K |
Aug 2004 |
Harriett Fuquay |
Meeks, Britain - Jephtha V Smith 1831 |
23K |
Sep 2003 |
Meeks & Hawley |
Orrick, Henry G. - Standford, Levi M. December 17, 1829 |
3K |
Apr 2008 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Orrick, Henry G. - Boyd, D. B. February 14, 1839 |
3K |
Apr 2008 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Owen, Surname Grantee |
13K |
Sep 2003 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Phillips, J. A. T. to Elizabeth Phillips 1833 |
14K |
Apr 2004 |
Lowell Johnson |
Phillips, J. A. T. - Ray, Ransom 1839 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Phillips, Wayne - Ray, Ransom 1838 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Rarer, Jane - Ray, Ramson 1833 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Ray, Barbara And Children (Mrs. Elijah) - Ray, Ramson 1833 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Ray, John (Sheriff's Sale - Clark, Samuel 1829 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Ray, Ransom - Adams & Sharp, Levi & George D. 1828 |
2K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Reed, James H. - Ray, Ransom 1839 |
3K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Sloan, Richard - Johnson, Isaac 1833 |
3K |
Mar 2005 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Spence, (Surname)1827-1891 |
5K |
Mar 2005 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |
Taylor, Bartholomew - Ray, Ransom 1836 |
2K |
Sep 2005 |
Beverly Giles Loffler
Terrell, Ignatius (Trustee) - Boyd, Robert H. & Martha October 27, 1851 |
6K |
Jan 2007 |
Judy Fowler Kilgore |