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If the Person you are looking for does not come up in the search,
we do not have the information you are looking for.
We are not connected to any government agency and do not have certificates.
Data has been donated by volunteers and family members. For Official documents, you need to contact the State and County the marriage took place in.
If you
can maintain a web page, upload files to the Internet and would like to become a File Manager for this project. You must have and know how to use web editing software and ftp software. Please see the links below before you contact me.. Information "What A Volunteer Needs To Know" At this Time The Marriage Project is Being updated,. As States become available for adoption, the file manager area will say Adopt Me. Contact- |
To contribute your transcribed marriage records to the |
Copyright. All rights reserved. Project Spotlight
by Darlene Anderson, Spotlights Editor The USGenWeb Archives Marriage Project Are marriage records in your future? What about a marriage record somewhere in the faraway distant past? The USGenWeb Archives Marriage Project is a must-view site! You know that sounds pretty good. Like Oprah’s must-read book club, a must-view site can be the new slogan for Project Spotlights! Mary Hudson is the project’s Coordinator and Patti Jepsen is the Assistant Coordinator. Mary says, “The purpose of the Marriage Project is to bring attention to the information found in marriage records, both applications and licenses.” Mary tells me, “I became interested in marriage records several years ago, trying to establish information in Butler County, MO as the new CC.” In my research endeavors, after checking the census, I check the marriages in a particular county. Marriage records often contain much-needed information, such as the names of parents, or permission given to an underage person. Often a Bond was posted by an upstanding member of the community to show the groom was serious about his intentions towards the intended bride. Today, all but 7 states are represented in the Marriage Project. Many of the counties in each state have links to marriage information; however, some counties do not have any information. We know that census records are considered to be a genealogist’s best friend, but marriage records may be the next best thing! The Project does not accept marriage records of the living and prefers to keep the records prior to 1940. The exception to this rule is if the submitter contributing the record assures Mary that the individuals are deceased; then the record may be used. Mary says, “The Project needs state file managers.” Volunteers need to know how to work with Web sites and be capable of uploading files to the Internet; and, be willing to communicate with folks who want to contribute records. The Project could also use coordinators for the counties in many of the states. Do you have some spare time you can devote to transcribing data for the Marriage Project or volunteer as coordinator for a county? Please visit the Project’s site and contact Mary! You’ll be glad you did.
State Vitals Addresses |
Volunteers for this project Please read "What A Volunteer Needs To Know" We do not
do lookups on this project. |
NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county tables of content.The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification. |
About the USGenWeb Archives (tm)National Genealogical Society's Statement about
USGenWeb The USGenWeb Digital Library (Archives) was developed to present actual transcriptions of public domain records on the Internet. This huge undertaking is the cooperative effort of volunteers who either have electronically formatted files on census records, marriage bonds, wills, and other public documents, or are willing to transcribe this information to contribute. Once the decision was made to develop a project, originally called "TimeToDo" Something, a call went out to volunteers who would be willing to transcribe primary records as a service to the Internet genealogical community, find a way to get them posted on the Internet, and allow the USGenWeb county hosts to store large files in a central location with a search engine. Space was donated by RootsWeb for storage of the files, for the past 12 years. As with any project, USGenWeb has moved to it's own server. Please be patient while we update. The table above is broken down by state. The left column represents the location of a Table of Contents for each state, with a brief description of each file and a direct link to it.The right column is the actual location of the archived files. The USGenWeb Archives (tm) Digital Library was implemented in July 1996, and files are being added everyday. If you have transcriptions to contribute, please contact the person listed on the state Table of Contents page. |
USGenWeb Archives by Mary Hudson,Brenda Rogers and The dedication of Gina Heffernan |